Everybody knows what Family Guy is. Love it or hate it, it’s an icon of foolishness and comedic shenanigans. But for every fan of Family Guy, there are ten anime fans. Now what happens when you combine anime and Family Guy? You get Ghost Stories. Ghost Stories is an 20 episode anime series that was written in all seriousness in Japan, but of course North America got a hold of the script and rewrote it replacing the serious dialog with savvy political, celebrity, and dirty humour, throwing its serious horror aspect to the dogs. Generally I would see this as a mockery of good entertainment but in the past several years all I seem to see nowadays is manga and anime taking itself way to seriously. Sometimes I think the writers all take their ideas from the same slop bucket and for some reason this stuff keeps getting published.
The characters are fairly original and the new dialogue gives them all far more personality. This may not be for everyone, its all about taste, and only people with good taste would like this. The plots kind of vague as can be expected, but essentially what happens is five kids are attacked by a demon in an old school house, where they proceed to do battle and eventually lock it away inside their pet cat. To get their cat back they must now lock away all the other evil ghosts that roam near the school, of course this sends them through twenty episodes of horror or hilarity depending if you’re watching dubbed or subbed. Love it or hate it, its worth taking a look.
Final Score: 4/5
-Donny Grimm
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