Well, holy shit. Rockstar, you did it again. A while ago, Rockstar released a game called Red Dead Redemption, a free roaming, western, shooter, sandbox, pancakes title. Everybody oohed and awed about its generic awesomeness and, yeah I’ll admit it was okay. But what they did next really grabbed my limited attention span like my tie in a garbage disposal that one night I came home drunk and… right, game. Anyway, once the Red Dead Money Tree in Rockstar’s backyard started to wither they knew they had to pump it full of radioactive steroids pulled from the essence of Jason Statham’s flaming testicles and pull an expansion pack out of there ass. So, they did what any intelligent game development company did. They threw zombies into the fray…seriously…no, I’m not being funny this time… ok go look, I’ll wait.
…See? Zombies. So Rockstar has turned their free roaming, western, shooter, sandbox title into a free roaming, western, shooter, sandbox…zombie title. First of all, I’m not complaining, I’ve always been a fan of zombies and zombie games and this is definitely something I’ll be looking forward to buying when it breaks though the soft moist soil of the gaming world. – Donny Grimm
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