So, at some point before I am writing this (cannot remember when Sega said it was coming out), the demo for Vanquish came out on XBL and PSN and I just got my hands on it. Might as well write an article about it.
For starters, it is just as crazy as all the trailers have led you to believe it would be. At its core the game is a cover-based third-person shooter and it handles well. You’re given a heavy machine gun, an assault rifle, a shotgun and two different types of grenades. Also, you have smokes… yeah. If you hit the left bumper, right in the middle of combat, Sam opens his helmet, pulls out a cig, takes a drag and throws it away. I have no idea why that is in there (other than it is pretty awesome) but that is probably because I didn’t get very far. I played for about 15-20 minutes before I got jacked. All the dudes you are fighting look like dudes you would have to fight in a cover-based third-person shooter. Some of them are in giant spider suits, too.
It plays really well, moving at a really fast speed as you would expect from a Platinum Games game. I could not figure out how to throw grenades but the other than that it plays like a Gears game. Hold the left trigger and the camera zooms over the shoulder, right trigger to shoot and a kind of blind fire when using right trigger without holding the left. You still have a targeting reticule but it is not as accurate, which I think is actually a little better than Gears. One thing that I found a little weird in Gears was when you were trying to run from someone and shoot them and you didn’t have enough time to zoom over the shoulder and shoot them and I ended up wasting like 4-5 shots trying to hit them. This way you can still get the fuck outta dodge when things go bad (and trust me, they will) and still be able to shoot with some degree of accuracy. The cover mechanic works like it should, press X and you go into cover. Pressing A will make you dodge out of the way of anything, like Gears, and make it easier to get behind a piece of cover.
So, good shooting, good looking, smokes as weapons or tech. This game is looking to be awesome and I cannot wait for this game to be released. – DeadMan
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