Second Overwatch Animated Short, “Alive,” Released – Death's Door Prods
Death's Door Prods

Second Overwatch Animated Short, “Alive,” Released

Earlier today, Blizzard released the second animated short for their upcoming multiplayer shooter, Overwatch. Called Alive, this new short focuses on Widowmaker, a French assassin with a thing for spiders.

The tone of this new short is a bit more serious than the previous short, Recall, due to the more serious nature of what’s happening. In Alive, Widowmaker is attempting to assassinate a robot who seems to be the face of a movement that aims to bring robots and humans together to live in peace. It shows more of the world of Overwatch than Recall did, and we get to see Tracer, the face of the franchise who recently had some controversy surrounding her butt, in action as she tries to take down Widowmaker.

Overwatch comes out on PC, PS4, and Xbone on May 24th.

Source: YouTube

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