DC Adds Three New Characters and New Team to New 52 – Death's Door Prods
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DC Adds Three New Characters and New Team to New 52

Over on the DC Comics Blog, editor-in-chief Bob Harras has started a new thing called “What’s New in the New 52,” where he is going to be introducing new characters into the current DCU. So far, he’s shown off three new characters as well as a new team from an upcoming book. And here they are…

First up is Papa Midnight. I’m not sure who drew this but I think it looks really great. According to Harras, expect Papa to showing up in Constantine soon.

Next we have the Joker’s daughter, and yes, she is wearing the Joker’s face. Not sure if this is the New 52 Duella or a whole new character, but it could be pretty cool when she gets introduced in the book. Not too hot on the look, though.

Third we have a new villain for Green Lantern. He’s called Relic, and the picture was drawn by Billy Tan, who will be taking over the book with Robert Venditti this summer.

Finally, we have The Green Team. It’s a series about rich assholes with superpowers. Here are Ig Guara’s sketches. The series launches at the end of May along The Movement, a sister series by Gail Simone and Freddie E. Williams II.


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