ReviewsVideo Games Inkulinati Review (PC) While the visuals and gameplay drew me in, I don't think I'll stick around long enough for the ink to dry. DeadFebruary 24, 2024
ReviewsVideo Games Dave the Diver Review (PC) While there are a few too many ingredients used, this was still a solid sushi platter. DeadJanuary 21, 2024
ReviewsVideo Games Neo Cab Review (PC) I mean, I've had worse cab rides. But I've definitely had better, too. DeadNovember 7, 2019
ReviewsVideo Games Firewatch Review (PS4) What is Firewatch? An okay but disappointing walking simulator. DeadFebruary 16, 2016
ReviewsVideo Games Just Cause 3 Review (PS4) Despite having some explosive fun, it kind of blew itself up and made a bit of a mess. DeadDecember 17, 2015
ReviewsVideo Games Batman: Arkham Knight Review (PS4) I really don't like the Batmobile. DeadJuly 6, 2015
ReviewsVideo Games Axiom Verge Review (PS4) One man's dream becomes reality. After five years in the making, is Axiom Verge all he hoped it could be? Chevron seems to think so. chevronMay 4, 2015
ReviewsVideo Games Alien: Isolation (PS4) Review Rule number one in Alien: Isolation is don’t get attached to being alive. chevronOctober 27, 2014
ReviewsVideo Games First Thoughts on Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Chevron's played a few hours of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Here are his thoughts on it so far. chevronOctober 25, 2014
ReviewsVideo Games Destinty (PS4) Review There may be a lack of variety and polish, but there's a lot to see and do, and tons of potential for the future of Destiny. chevronOctober 12, 2014